Chakras are the interface between our hardworking physical body and the energy around us.
In electrical terms they act like a transformer between the two. Imagine a laptop charger, it can't be plugged straight into the mains, it needs a transformer to convert the current energy into a form it can use.
Our incredible bodies are not just clever machines, we also get the chance to fall in love, to laugh, to cry, to think, invent and explore. To communicate with each other , dream and create and even pondre on the nature of our reality, our soul and the divine.
This remarkable energy that makes all these things happen is called the life force , qi or prana. If DNA is the physical blueprint then you could say that prana is the energetic blueprint that underpins and organises it all. It is there in every cell of our body, and it extends to the outside of our body, too, creating an energy field or aura around us.
You can think of prana as a life force energy that runs through us like electricity. And the chakras are the transformers that convey our solid physical laptop - selves with the energy of non solid layers.
You can also think of chakras as like windows or portals between your physical body and your energy body. All the chakras are connected together vertically to nourish and support each other.
When they are working well windows do an essential job of letting in light and fresh air flow. If you closed the windows permanently , blocking the light and the air flow your rooms would feel sick and heavy. But on the other hand if you let them open permanently your rooms would feel unprotected and uncomfortable especially during the stormy scary times.
Healthy chakras are like healthy windows, they need a good clean occasionally so that they can let the energy in and out.
If your chakras are unhealthy and have become stuck , jammed or blown wide open then they may need a major would feel stuffy and heavy and sick
We have hundreds of chakras all over the body including on the palms of our hands and the soles of our feet. But we mainly focus on the seven main ones.
Like a rainbow of light each of the seven chakras is associated with a different color red orange green blue purple and a beautiful shining violet white.
Red is the slowest vibration and is connected with the base chakra between your legs.
Violet white is the highest colour vibration and is associated with the crown chakra on top of your head. Between them the colours make up a beautiful rainbow bridge connecting the earth and sky.
Of the lower chakras we have:
The base chakra located right under your tail bone connects you to earth and your physical body associated with the colour red.
The sacral chakra located in your tummy below your belly button is about physical pleasure and creativity associated with the colour orange.
The solar plexus is in charge of power and is located in your tummy above your belly button but under your heart and is associated with the colour yellow.
Of the upper chakras we have:
The heart chakra is about love and compassion located where your heart is and is associated with the colour green.

The throat chakra expresses truth and communication located in your throat and it is associated with the colour blue.
The third eye chakra located in between your eyes on your forehead is linked to intuition associated with the colour purple.
The crown chakra located right at the top of your head is your connection to source and is associated with the colour violet - white.
The flow of energy through our chakras goes in two different directions. Each individual chakra draws energy in and out of itself, connecting our body and the auric field with the outside world. We pick up on energy all the time, at a vibrational level.
Some people are skeptical about the ideas of auras because they cannot see them, but the energy around you can alter your mood, cause physical symptoms and even warn you of danger. When you meet someone for the first time you pick up many clues about them from their aura. You might click instantaneously or you might for no obvious logical reason instinctively put up your guard. It is also your own energy field that reacts to places with a heavy creepy atmosphere and tells you that you ought to leave.
There are parts of us that we don't want to feel, parts that we hide away in the shadows, the sharks cruising around below the waterline of our conscious mind, old emotional wounds, painful family history, low level physical pain.
Most of us consciously or unconsciously block it all out, so that we can simply get on with our lives.
But suppressing all of these shadows can take a great deal of energy , like cycling very hard with the brakes on- far more energy than just facing the issue and dealing with it.
Physically we may end up with rock hard shoulders , stomach ulcers or insomnia. On an energetic level , chakras become distorted or blocked which can make us feel dull and sluggish.
When our chakras are balanced they regulate the energy that comes in and out of the body so that you feel healthy and energized and not overloaded. When all the chakras are balanced they work well together like all the instruments in an orchestra, perfectly in harmony.
But if any of our chakras are over or under-balanced it's like an orchestra playing with out of tune instruments, instead of harmony there is cacophony and your whole system can be under strain.
When you are sitting or standing your energy body is a bit like a lighthouse. Each chakra takes up a different floor with each chakra colour on top of the one below.
It is wise to check in with our chakras every once in a while to make sure everything is working in alignment and everything is balanced, leading to a more peaceful, healthy and harmonious life.
Please check out my youtube channel Druidic Soul for guided meditations and more..
